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MDP's Travels to India & Beyond

MDP's Travels to India & Beyond

AyurYoga Eco-Ashram in Mysore, India

AyurYoga Eco-Ashram in Mysore, India

I was en route to another trip abroad and realized that I didn’t even recap my India & beyond travels (silly broad).  If it wasn’t for my photos, blog posts, and souvenir trinkets, it feels like those travels were just a dream.  

It’s harder than expected to bring the spirit of the East back to the hustle and bustle of NYC.  But my heart blissfully smiles every time I reminisce about my travels in India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, & Maldives.



Every year I receive a strong calling from the universe to visit specific countries.  This past year it was for Mother India.  There were so many signs that I had no choice but to answer the calling.  Trust the universe, right?

Mysore Palace in Mysore, India

Mysore Palace in Mysore, India


AyurYoga Eco-Ashram in Mysore, India

After a decade of practice and two years of teaching, I finally made it to the birthplace of yoga. For countless hours, I searched for my “ideal" Indian ashram in a peaceful, natural setting to learn more about the Hatha Yoga tradition.  I instantly fell in love with AyurYoga Eco-Ashram’s beautiful website photos - it was exactly what I was looking for.  Due to the strong connection via my laptop screen, I was convinced that AyurYoga was the one.  So without any personal referrals I trusted the internet and booked a solo journey to Mysore, India - and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

I wanted to learn more about the ancient tradition of yoga beyond what was offered in my local studios in New York.  So what better place than India to further my yoga education!  In addition to a Hatha Yoga teacher training,  it’s also been a dream of mine to experience an ashram in India (I might lose street cred here, but the seed was planted after I watched Eat, Pray, Love in college).

That one month at Ayur-Yoga Eco Ashram was more than just a typical yoga teacher training. It was a transformational journey of unveiling layers to my true-self.  I would be lying if I told you I found enlightenment or better yet found myself.  But what I did feel for the first time in my life was inner peace and that itself is an invaluable gift.  

With 20+ like-minded/ beautiful souls, the ashram provided us with a safe space to just BE for one month (aka a lot of crying in between).  When people ask what the most valuable lesson I learned during my time in the ashram, my response is: TO BE GENTLE TO YOURSELF.

Oh the places you go when you let yoga unfold...


Mother/ Daughter Travels in Southern India

Life post-ashram was a culture shock, but it was a breath of fresh air to travel beyond the ashram halls.  I reunited with my mom and we met in the lush, green surroundings of Kerala, India.  From the warm hospitality in Fort Kochi, to the tea fields and spices of Munnar, and to the famous backwaters of Alleppey—I fell more in love with the people, culture, and food of Southern India.


Mother/ Daughter Travels in Northern India

After our time in Southern India, we headed up North to visit the "Golden Triangle" - Delhi, Agra, & Jaipur.  It was a different vibe in Northern India, but the garlic naan bread made all the chaos worth it.  From the marble wonders of the Taj Mahal to the ornate palaces of the Jewel City, Northern India's majestic/ royal heritage is truly a bucket-list destination and a wonder of the world


There is no place in the world as chaotic and tranquil as India.  From the vibrant colors, to the eclectic noises, to the dynamic/ spiritual vibrations, and to the flavorful spices— this country is overload for the senses. 

A trip to India not only changes your perspective on life but also transforms you.  I left India with a deeper sense of spirituality, and even became a newfound vegetarian.  Believe me when I say that no place in the world will move you like India!

Devaraja Market in Mysore, India

Devaraja Market in Mysore, India


Bhutan initially wasn't on our itinerary until my mom’s friend raved about her trip to this Himalayan kingdom.  Closed to outsiders until the 1970s, Bhutan is a land of Himalayan peaks, Buddhist monasteries, free education, countless stray dogs, negative carbon footprint, and gross national happiness (GNH).  

A little background on planning a trip to Bhutan - the ONLY way to visit is by booking a guided tour through a certified Bhutanese travel agency.  You’re required to spend $200 per day/per person, but the price includes a private Bhutanese guide & driver, transportation, accommodations, entrance fees, customized itinerary, and all meals.  We were fortunately referred to our amazing guide KC who was part of the small percentage of female guides in the country (girl power!).  She made our trip to Bhutan an unforgettable experience.

All the landscapes in Bhutan were breathtaking.  But the highlight of our trip was the hike to Tiger’s Nest Monastery.  You could feel the energy of the Buddhist spirit starting from the bottom of the mountain all the way to the top of the monastery. We were Bhutan-full of bliss during the entire hike - when you're one with nature, you really do feel more connected with your true nature!


We were warned by KC that Kathmandu was dusty and crowded; completely opposite to Bhutan’s clean air and small population.  Unfortunately Kathmandu hasn’t fully recovered from the 2015 earthquake.  There’s construction on every corner and the city is covered with debris from collapsed buildings.  Driving through the city’s dusty traffic isn’t for the faint of heart.  But thankfully we arrived at our cozy accommodations in Old Patan and suddenly our worries disappeared.  

The highlight of our trip to Nepal was the people.  Starting with the impeccable hospitality from our AirBnb hosts who treated us like family the moment we arrived.  The Dhakwa family taught us so much about their culture and community.  Prakesh walked us around his neighborhood several times and introduced us to all the friendly locals.  He made such an effort to get to know us and made our stay in Old Patan incredibly pleasant.  And can’t forgot about Pramilla's cooking!  Her home-cooked meals were the best we had in Nepal - happy bellies, happy travelers.

Aside from Nepalese hospitality, we were also impressed by the people's integrity.  My mom had a scare when she left her wallet in a public bathroom.  She didn’t realize till an hour later, but thankfully two women who worked next door found her wallet and did everything they can to return it to my mom.  Talk about luck, but since we were in a Buddhist nation - talk about good karma


After traveling for 2 weeks with my mom, it was time to spend my final two weeks abroad with Mikey.  Mikey and I love traveling to surf/ yoga destinations around the world and we’re always on the look out for the next best place.  On many of our recent trips, fellow travelers were raving about Sri Lanka so it became high on our radar.

Sri Lanka is a tropical country with so much to offer: surf on pristine beaches, rich Buddhist history, wildlife safaris, verdant tea plantations, & epic hikes/ train rides on lush green mountains.   Our friends in Kerala mentioned that tourism is down in Southern India due to Sri Lanka’s recent popularity.  As much as I love Kerala, I could see why travelers prefer Sri Lanka.  There’s something for everyone to enjoy in the country!

We love experiencing a little bit of everything and since we had limited time we were constantly on the move. We did a quick loop of the entire country - from Hikkaduwa, to Udawalawe, to Ella, and to Kandy.  We started off on a chill note at the surf town of Hikkaduwa.  But after our time on the Sri Lankan coast it was go go go.  Sri Lanka was a tiring yet fun adventure but we couldn’t wait to relax in the Maldives!


We Mal-dove into perfection and was drowning in bliss.  The Maldives was everything we ever dreamed of and more.  The Maldives is typically known as a fancy, honeymoon destination due to its world class hotels and beaches. But believe it or not, it’s possible to travel the Maldives on a budget + it's only a 1 hour flight from Sri Lanka.

The cheapest way to travel to the Maldives is to stay at a local/ non-resort island.  There were a few islands to choose from, but we were looking for something quiet, non-commercialized with pristine beaches.  After extensive research, we chose Fulidhoo Island and it was a travel home run!  The island is tiny - a population of 400 people, no cars, and you could walk the entire island in less than 20 minutes.

Fulidhoo is a desert island that I wouldn’t mind getting stranded at.  Since the Maldives is a Muslim country it’s required to dress appropriately in the local islands - except for the designated “bikini beach” where women are allowed to wear bikinis.  Fulildhoo’s bikini beach was one of the best beaches I’ve ever been to in my life.  Think white sand beach and crystal clear water with 100% visibility.

There's so much to learn about the Maldivian culture in the local islands.  We loved the African-inspired drum circle, “bodeburu”, that the locals hosted every night.  The music was amazing and the energy was incredible.  If you want to experience Maldivian culture, meet locals, and stay in a untouched island, we highly recommend Fulidhoo.  A guesthouse was only $50 per night - which gave us some room to splurge on our last night.

As always, we like to experience a little bit of everything when we travel.  We loved our budget stay in Fulidhoo but we had to splurge on an over water bungalow on our last night in the Maldives.  Maldivian resort life is completely different from local island life - women in bikinis, fancy beach chairs, happy hour margaritas, and overpriced resort food.  But we thoroughly enjoyed the luxury amenities especially after our budget stays.

Maldivian resort life was amazing but what we didn’t expect to find was world-class surf conveniently located on our resort.  Mikey was ecstatic and paid a shameful amount of money to surf on North Male Atoll's exclusive waves.  Just when we thought the Maldives couldn’t get any better, it did.

Monkey Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal

Monkey Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal

My yoga journey has brought me to places I’ve only read about in travel magazines and yoga publications.  Answer your true calling - you never know where it takes you.  For me, it led to India and 4 other incredible countries in the East.

Traveling to unfamiliar places sets my soul afire, but the most rewarding journey of all is the one within.  Incredibly grateful for all the teachings and beautiful souls I met during those 2 months abroad.  The spirit and vibrations of the East will resonate in my heart forever.

5 Things To Do in Kerala, India

5 Things To Do in Kerala, India

7 Wonders of the Modern World With my Wonder Wo-Mom

7 Wonders of the Modern World With my Wonder Wo-Mom