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Hang Gliding in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hang Gliding in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“No matter what, don’t stop running...”.  The wise and only words our “carioca” (hangliding pilot) repeatedly told us while we patiently waited for take-off in Tijuca National Forest.  I was initially nervous that this was his only advice but I realized once we landed, it was all we needed to know.

Hang gliding in Rio meant ditching my family during our annual vacation (priorities).  Fortunately I didn’t  feel as guilty since I convinced my 16-year old cousin to come with me.  I convinced him years ago to bungy jump with me at six flags (I think he was 10 at the time..) so I was confident in his gutsy spirit.  Nonetheless we came back in one piece and had a blast.


Before anything, as every adrenaline activity starts, you sign your life away on a measly piece of paper and take a “quick test".  It’s easy to get nervous before the jump; the Brazilian hang-gliding companies work like clockwork (convos all untranslatable) and they give you minimal details.  After signing our lives away, we had no choice but to trust our lives with these crazy Brazilians as they drove us up to the designated hang-gliding cliff.

We really worked up our nerves while waiting for take-off.  Our pilot guided us a couple of times on the mechanics of the jump (which was pretty much a 5 minute briefing on you how to perform a near death activity..). After the built-up anticipation and second doubts, once it was our turn, everything happened in a blink of a bird’s eye view (get it).  Once you jump, you’re flying!

Hang-gliding in Rio was my favorite experience on the trip.  You’ll experience the most incredible views of Rio de Jainero - Tijuca National Forest, Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Copacabana/ Ipanema beach sightings all on one flight. 

If you thought Rio was beautiful on ground-level, wait till you see it 1000 feet in the air.

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