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MDP's 2017 Travel Recap

MDP's 2017 Travel Recap

Who would’ve thought that 2017 would become one of my best travel years yet.  From hitting rock bottom in January due to a soul-sucking, corporate job to ending the year off by mapping out my upcoming travels in India for 2018...this year made a complete 180.

2016 was a tumultuous year and it finally ended the beginning of 2017 when I was let go from a miserable job.  Typically one would be upset but I was so relieved that someone had the guts to pull the plug that I was too scared to do myself.  It was a huge crossroad in my life but it brought me to places I only daydreamed of going when I was typing away in a hopeless cubicle.

Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China

Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China

I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do next but all I wanted to do were things that made me happy.  So the natural thing for me to do was book a flight and go on an adventure.  It was an end of a hard chapter but it was the beginning of a year dedicated to following my bliss.

If you’re going through something right now and it feels like it's never ending remember it’s all temporary.  Whether you see the light at the end of the tunnel or not, things will eventually fall into place.  Trust the process, it won’t be a smooth ride but it will be one heck of an adventure.  For me, my crossroads brought me to 6 new countries and 10 American-states this year. 


During a sunny, warm day in August, it seemed like the right decision to book a $300 flight deal to Iceland via WizzAir for February.  After 6 months of anticipation and finally receiving the PTO money that I was supposed to use, I was on my way to Iceland with three other gal pals.  It was cold AF, but it was a once in a life time adventure to experience the Northern Lights and the rest of the earthly magic of Iceland.


Asia: Bali, Japan, South Korea, & China

Daydreaming about practicing yoga in Bali and drinking green tea in Japan kept me sane during dark hours in the office.  This trip to Asia was my soul's resurrection trip. I started off on a solo journey for 4 weeks in Bali and Tokyo, then travelled with my Mom to the rest of Japan, South Korea, and China for 2 weeks.  So many dreams were fulfilled during these travels and I finally felt like myself again.  Travel not to escape but with the intention to feel your true self!


Cape Cod

Mikey’s uncle and aunt invite us up to their beautiful home in Falmouth, Cape Cod during 3-day weekends in the summer.  Oh, the New England good life: boats, lobsters, Martha’s Vineyard, & fine dining in casual sweatshirts and white pants.  


Sag Harbor

I blame my mom for my travel bug so I thank her each year by taking her on a vacation getaway for her birthday.  We normally go to Montauk when we vacation on Long Island, but she wanted to go somewhere new so I chose Sag Harbor for her birthday weekend. We fell in love with the old town charm of Sag Harbor and the stunning view from the porch of our corky airbnb.  We highly recommend Sag Harbor for a summer weekend getaway, and make sure to book this airbnb if you visit!



Mikey and I were due for a surf trip together.  After hearing great things about Nicaragua from a surfer friend we decided to go for it. It was exactly what we were looking for: good surf, yoga vibes, affordable currency, and a quick flight from NY.  We crafted our itinerary to experience a little bit of everything on the Nicaraguan coast from chill backpacker hostels, to luxury jungle bungalows, and to local beach-side surf huts. 


Mexico City

On our way to Nicaragua, we fortunately had 2 layovers in Mexico City.  I’ve been dying to visit Mexico City so I booked us the longest layover I could find on Aeromexico.  Mexico City instantly became my favorite layover city upon arrival.  Mainly because of cheap ubers that made it easy to experience the city’s top-notch food/ cocktails, world renowned Frida Kahlo museums, and colorful nightlife all in 24 hours.


American Road Trip: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Oregon

13-day road trip to celebrate our 10 year friend-aversary and Jess’s homecoming back to Seattle.  It was hard to part ways after driving through 9 states and clocking in 4,000 miles together.  So many unforgettable memories were made on this trip; from Korean bbq camping dinners, to stoned adventures in Denver, to spam and egg breakfasts during Grand Canyon sunrises, and to yurt-living in Idaho.  We were running on fumes, but we were either laughing our butts off or taking pictures of everything we passed (including llama farms in Wyoming).  The entire drive was incredibly scenic and we were in perpetual awe every twist and turn.  The west coast really is the best coast, and especially now since my best friend lives there which means I'll be visiting frequently.  Can't wait for more best coast adventures in 2018! 


Hudson Valley

Similar to every other basic American girl I love pumpkin spiced lattes, scented candles, and fall foliage.  One of the most popular weekend/ fall activities from NYC is a trip to Storm King Art Center.  For my birthday, Mikey brought us there and booked a cozy airbnb for the weekend.  We spent the weekend eating apple cider donuts at local farms, taking photos of art sculptures and foliage at Storm King, cuddling with kitties at our airbnb, and cafe/ shop/ bar hopping in Beacon. 

So how was I able to do all this traveling in 2017? 

I took a break from corporate America and made my side gigs as a Yoga Instructor and Marketing Brand Ambassador into a full-time income.  Not only did these jobs fund my erratic travels around the world but also supported an extremely, flexible work schedule.  

Yurt airbnb in Boise, Idaho

Yurt airbnb in Boise, Idaho

But as amazing as travel flexibility is, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns because you have to give up a lot for this ideal life. This past year I worked 4 part-time jobs with no benefits, lived at home, and had to deal with the constant conversation with family & friends on when I’d get a “real job” again.  Regardless of the downfalls, the perks of schedule autonomy and equivalent earnings as a full-time/office job while working half the hours a week and traveling twice as much are 100% worth it.  Plus I love what I do.  Things will eventually change once I decide to “settle down” (or settle in general…) but at this stage of my life I choose this life and it makes me shit rainbows and unicorns.

What's on my 2018 travel bucket list?

  1. India
  2. Nepal
  3. Bhutan
  4. Sri Lanka
  5. Maldives
  6. California road trip

In a perfect world, I'd spend winter months each year in warmer continents.  Fortunately I've spent the coldest months far away from NY for the past 2 years.  I'm crossing my fingers that I'll find a way to continue this trend for the rest of my life.

Antelope Canyon in Arizona

Antelope Canyon in Arizona

This upcoming February and March I'll be partaking in a yoga teacher training at an ashram in southern India.  Once I complete the training, I'm traveling the rest of IndiaBhutan, and Nepal with my mom then traveling to Sri Lanka and Maldives with Mikey.  It's going to be an epic 2 months, and  I'm ecstatic to experience the spiritual side of the eastern world.

I fell hard for the west coast this past year and I'm craving for more (especially national parks).  In June, I'm planning a California coastal road trip after a friend's wedding in New Mexico. The tentative route is San Diego -> LA -> Santa Barbara -> Big Sur -> Yosemite National Park. 

That's all I have in mind so far.  Stay tuned :)

Cherry Blossoms in Kyoto, Japan

Cherry Blossoms in Kyoto, Japan

What were your most memorable travels this past year?  What's on your travel bucket list for 2018? 

Would love to hear what destinations and topics you'd love to read about this year.  Feel free to comment below on topic requests!

Toma-toe Curlin' Lunch at an Icelandic Greenhouse

Toma-toe Curlin' Lunch at an Icelandic Greenhouse

Traveling Poland: Krakow, Bialystok, & Warsaw

Traveling Poland: Krakow, Bialystok, & Warsaw