Journey With Marion

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LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat: A Complete Guide to Healing With Yagé in Colombia

4 years later, I reunited with Ayahuasca in Colombia. I get really emotional thinking about my growth these past 4 years. When I first journeyed with Ayahuasca in Peru in 2019, I was in a very dark place — going through a painful breakup, an existential crisis, and a difficult transition into my 30s. Ayahuasca was truly a catalyst to my healing and evolution — igniting my spiritual journey with plant medicine that has unfolded layers of my being, connected me deeper to my soul’s true purpose, and guided me to the light & love within. I’m beyond grateful for this medicine.

My first Ayahuasca retreat in 2019 in Peru.

This time around, with a stronger sense of self, I answered Mama Ayahuasca’s calling to continue the inner-work in Colombia. And just when I thought I was “in a good place”, Ayahuasca slapped me in the face and put me to work — releasing blockages of stored energy from the past, journeying to the depths of my consciousness, and as time/ space/ form dissipated, I returned to love.

Are you ready to answer Mama Ayahuasca's calling in Colombia? Here’s everything you need to know about the healing journey at LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat in Colombia.

What is Ayahuasca
or Yagé?

Drop any misconception you have about Ayahuasca.  Ayahuasca is not a recreational drug to get high from or a magic pill that erases your problems.  To the indigenous people of the Amazon, Ayahuasca is more than just a plant — it’s a sacred, ancestral ritual for healing.  In the Quechua language, Ayahuasca is translated to the “vine of the soul”.  

Ayahuasca tea brewed in the Amazon.

Ayahuasca or Yagé is a psychoactive tea brewed by shamans from the Amazon to enter altered states of consciousness.  Historically, individuals would visit shamans for healing from physical, mental, or emotional ailments.  During a visit, the shamans would drink Ayahuasca to receive guidance from the “plant spirit" to diagnose the course of treatment for their patients.  Traditions are still deeply rooted in Ayahuasca ceremonies, and in recent decades shamans started serving Ayahuasca to individuals under their supervision.

Ayahuasca is brewed by shamans using Ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) and a DMT shrub grown in the Amazon.  The DMT shrub (chagro or chacruna) serves as the source of DMT which contains naturally hallucinogenic properties, while the Ayahuasca vine serves as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor which makes the DMT orally active.  The combination of these plants form a powerful psychedelic brew that affects the central nervous system leading to altered states of consciousness such as out of body experiences, hallucinations, and euphoria.

Ayahuasca has become a global phenomenon and popularly sought out by many Westerners for its powerful, healing properties.  Ayahuasca is known for curing psychological issues such as PTSD, chronic depression, and addictions.  Many describe their Ayahuasca experience equivalent to years of psychotherapy.

My good friend Jesse, a combat veteran and nurse anesthetist, who eloquently shares how Ayahuasca has helped his PTSD.

What’s the Difference Between
Ayahuasca vs. Yagé?

In Colombia and Ecuador, the medicine is better known as Yagé, and in Peru and Brazil it’s better known as Ayahuasca. The difference between Ayahuasca and Yagé is negligible.  Sam, the founder of LaWayra, compares the difference to wine — for instance, Cabernet or Merlot may be made from different grapes but in the end, they’re both red wines.  Due to Peru’s popularity in psychedelic tourism, Ayahuasca is the more widely known term for the medicine.

The main difference between Ayahuasca and Yagé is the DMT shrub that is brewed with the vine, resulting in varying experiences with the plant spirit and purging — although everyone’s journey is different regardless of the brew.  Ayahuasca is brewed with chacruna (psychotria viridis), while Yagé is brewed with chagro (diplopterys cabrerana). The chagro (also known as chagropanga or chaliponga) is known to have a more masculine spirit vs. the chacruna which is known to have a more feminine spirit.

After reading about the difference, it made sense why I felt more of a masculine warrior energy at LaWayra vs. a more gentle feminine energy when I journeyed with Ayahuasca in Peru.  They say that the reason for this is that chagro is an overtly masculine plant, so the plant spirit of Yagé embodies more of a marriage between divine masculine and feminine energies.  Therefore, the experience with Yagé can feel more direct with masculine undertones (like a tough grandmother teaching you the way).  Let me just say that I can attest to this notion — as Yagé hit me in the face instantly and my purging was INTENSE on both ends (I’ll leave it at that for your imagination).  In addition, since Colombia has been largely overlooked by psychedelic tourism, they say that more of the older and wiser vines were preserved in Colombia, resulting in deeper experiences with Yagé.

Ayahuasca Retreat in
Colombia vs. Peru

Purely Ayahuasca

I was initially surprised that other plant medicines, such as Rapé, San Pedro, or Bufo Alvarius, were not offered at LaWayra like in other retreats in Peru. In the Shipibo tradition in Peru, Rapé is part of the pre-Ayahuasca ceremony to help open you up. In the Inga tradition in Colombia, it is solely the Ayahuasca medicine. After experiencing both traditions, I appreciated solely focusing on Ayahuasca during the retreat as I was able to connect deeper with the plant spirit more than I ever have before.

Not as Curated

Retreats can sometimes feel like adult day camp with jam packed activities. Aside from word circles and meals, there was no formal schedule at LaWayra. We were given ample leisure time in between word circles and before ceremonies. It was nice not feeling pressured to join group activities and follow a formal schedule. This gave us more time to reflect, journal, and naturally bond with each other.

Potency of Medicine

Every ceremony is truly different, but one thing that was constant during my Yagé experience was that my purging was INTENSE. During my Ayahuasca experiences in Peru, my purging only consisted of vomiting and crying. But my Ayahuasca experience in Colombia consisted of the holy trinity of purging — projectile vomit, diarrhea, and tears. When reading about the differences between the DMT shrubs (chacruna and chagro) used in Colombia vs. Peru, it makes sense why my purging was more intense with Yagé.

Why I Chose Lawayra Ayahuasca Retreat in Colombia?


    Lawayra's affordable pricing makes it accessible for individuals to experience Ayahuasca.  The retreat price is a third of other Ayahuasca retreats in countries like Peru and Mexico, and the quality is just as good. As much as I loved my Ayahuasca experience in Peru, I would personally go back to Colombia over Peru due to LaWayra’s affordability.

View from private cabins.

LaWayra Ayahuasca 4 Day Retreat Price Includes:
+ Round Trip Transport from Medellin
+ Private Cabin or Shared Dorm (co-ed)
+ All Meals and Drinks
+ 2 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
+ Integration Journal

Total Price:
Shared Dorm - $395
Private Cabin -  $594


    Lawayra is the perfect space to answer Mama Ayahuasca's calling.  The center is surrounded by the lush rolling hills, mountains, and vegetation of Antioquia, Colombia —just a 2 hour drive from Medellin.  Truly a serene and peaceful space to spiritually recharge and heal in nature.


    LaWayra ceremonies are guided by a Taita, also known as shaman or healer in the Ayahuasca tradition in Colombia.  Our Taita, Fernando Jojoa, is from the Inga tribe of the Putumayo region of the Colombian Amazon where he cooks and grows his own Ayahuasca.  Taita Fernando comes from the Jojoa lineage where medicine traditions have been passed down for generations.  Taita Fernando has been leading ceremonies for 12 years and he started his training when he was 7 years old — drinking Ayahuasca 3 times a week for 10 years straight.  On top of being a great Taita, he is also a talented musician.


The first time I checked out the LaWayra website, I watched a video of the LaWayra medicine band and I was floored by their talent. Music is such an important component of the Ayahuasca ceremonies and shamans who are good musicians really make a difference. Taita Fernando's voice is angelic — the music/ icaros that was played by him and his band touched our souls and enhanced our Ayahuasca ceremonies. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’ve been playing their music on LaWayra YouTube ever since I left the retreat center. I shed tears when I listen to certain songs.

Some LaWayra friends with Taita Fernando and his talented medicine band.


    The moment I read about LaWayra, I knew it was the one. There are countless reviews and testimonials on Google, Retreat Guru, and social media that rave about LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat. As a solo female traveler, I felt supported and safe throughout the entire retreat. The staff was incredibly compassionate and professional. The facilitators (Jarrod, Sam, and Maya) thoroughly prepared us before the Ayahuasca ceremonies and they were present during the ceremonies and throughout the entire retreat to support the group in any way we needed.

The amazing LaWayra team.


    There are various retreat options you can choose from depending on your availability — 4 day, 7 day, or 10 day .  I attended the 4 day/ weekend retreat and it fit perfectly with my travel dates in Colombia. But looking back, I would’ve loved to do 1 more ceremony and would opt for a 7 day retreat next time around.

Round trip bus from Medellin to LaWayra.


    Lodging options include co-ed shared dorms or private cabins.  The newly built private cabins were already booked during my retreat dates, but the shared dorms were comfortable and I personally slept outside after ceremonies to catch sunrise with other retreat friends (which were one of my favorite moments).  But if you can, book the private cabins — the view overlooking Antioquia is beautiful from the private deck.

Ayahuasca Preparation
“The Dieta”

The Ayahuasca journey begins weeks before the retreat starts. The dieta is an important tradition before Ayahuasca ceremonies.  The Ayahuasca works more effectively with a pure and cleansed body.  Physically preparing the body helps set the plant medicine in motion. LaWayra recommends the dieta below and encourages to start the dieta earlier if possible:

Vegetarian lunch at LaWayra.

4 weeks before retreat:

  • Stop taking SSRI/ antidepressants.

3-7 days before and during retreat:

  • Stop medications such as antibiotics and psychoactive medicine (consult w/ doctor beforehand).

  • No caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs, and sex.

  • No fermented food, aged foods, junk food, red meat, overly ripe fruit, dairy products, spicy food, and citrus food.

  • Lower salt intake.

Pre-Ayahuasca Ceremony

Word Circles

Upon arrival, we gathered in a circle as a group introducing ourselves one by one and sharing our intentions for the retreat. You are welcomed to share as little or as much as you’d like during the word circles. It is a safe space to express yourself and share your experiences. The word circles felt like group therapy in the best way possible. Cool thing about plant medicine retreats, you get to know each other’s souls first then other layers after.

Setting Intentions

Daily journaling on the hammocks.

Setting intentions is an integral part of the Ayahuasca ceremonies. It can sometimes feel overwhelming setting intentions, but keep in mind that your intention doesn't have to be an elaborate mission statement — it can simply be a word or phrase. Whether we like it or not, the medicine gives us what we need. Here are some simple intentions that always kept me grounded and present during the retreat:

“Trust the process”
”Let go”
”The only way out is through”


The best way to set intentions before ceremonies is to take time journaling. LaWayra thoughtfully gifts everyone with a customized journal with prompts and advice to help guide us on our plant medicine journeys. Whether you’re a first time or experienced journaler, the LaWayra journal is an incredibly helpful tool throughout the entire Ayahuasca process and integration.

Word Circles.

Guided Meditation

At about 5pm, we settle into our chosen ceremony beds. Maya, one of the facilitators, led us through a guided meditation to put our nerves and jitters at ease before the ceremony. Maya’s voice is so soothing and put me to tears during the session. As the meditation ended and the sun set, Taita Fernando arrived and started preparing the space for the ceremony.

What Happens During the Ayahuasca Ceremony?

Sunset - Ceremony Begins..

You know it’s time once you smell the copal permeate throughout the ceremony room. Taita Fernando cleanses the space and prepares the alter and Ayahuasca with Inga rituals.  Once he’s ready, each person walks up to the alter to receive the Ayahuasca tea in a small cup from Taita Fernando. Once you finish the cup, you are given a purge bucket, napkin, and cup of water, and you head back to your ceremonial bed to wait for the medicine to hit.

(Side note — AYAHUASCA TASTES TERRIBLE.  Don’t expect it to taste like your favorite fruit drink…)

The Purge

Ayahuasca is also known as “the purge” for very evident reasons.  Not only are you releasing everything that no longer serves you, you literally vomit, cry, and (excuse my French) shit everything out.  The first few hours (sometimes even the entire ceremony) will feel like “purge-atory” and don’t try to control the purge because you’ll feel even worse. But believe me when I say that purging can feel like a spiritual exorcism where you release all your trauma and blockages from the past. It may feel terrible at the moment, but in the end, you will truly appreciate this process from decay to rebirth.

Once the purging stops, the magic starts to happen.  A mix of good and bad hallucinations, colorful images/ geometric shapes, good and bad memories, light/ love/ darkness, and more purging from about 6pm till 12am. For some, it lasts till the wee hours of the morning.

Ayahuasca ceremony nights.


Once the plant spirit starts connecting with the Taita, he begins singing “icaros” with his band.  Icaros are sacred songs sung by shamans that transfer healing energy from the plant spirit.  When the Ayahuasca takes over, each rhythm and word of the icaros hits every fiber of your body. The icaros digs deep into your soul, rewiring your brain and heart.  Every shaman has a different style of icaros depending on how the plant spirit guides them during the ceremony.

Second Dose

After a few hours, the Taita will offer a second dose to the group.  Everyone’s experience varies, some people can’t feel their face by that time while others haven’t felt a thing.  It’s under everyone’s discretion to have a second dose.  Facilitators will check in with you and the shaman before pouring the second dose. After the shamans pour the second dose, they continue to sing the icaros and guide the ceremony.

Fire out - Ceremony Ends..

During the ceremony, there was a fire pit nearby. Some sat by the fire throughout the ceremony while others stayed in their ceremonial beds. Once the facilitators put out the fire and the music faded, the shaman leaves the room and everyone slowly goes back to their rooms or sleeps outside on their ceremonial beds/ hammocks. I personally slept outside on my ceremonial bed after each ceremony. Catching sunrise was one of my favorite moments of the retreat.

My Ayahuasca Experience

When we hear the word “retreat” we automatically think “relaxation”, but an Ayahuasca retreat requires a lot of inner work. Ayahuasca forces us to go through feelings and memories that we normally ignore in our consciousness — leading to profound insights and breakthroughs.

Compared to my Ayahuasca experience in 2019 in Peru, I was in a really “good place”. My intention this time around was to simply answer Mama Ayahuasca’s calling in Colombia and to be open to whatever she wants me to learn. And boy, did she she show up and put me to work.

Sunrise views post ceremony.


There was no sort of transition into the medicine, Ayahuasca hit me in the face instantly. This ceremony was one of the most somatically painful trips I’ve ever had. Re-experienced the two hardest moments of my life, the passing of my late father and the breakup with my ex boyfriend of 7 years. My purging was also incredibly intense — releasing stored trauma and pain from the past that I was still holding on to. In the end, I was able to resurrect from the darkness by shifting my perspective to gratitude. I felt immense love radiate throughout my body as I joyfully connected to my child spirit and late father.


I journeyed to the depths of my consciousness in this trip. Time, space, form dissipated and I returned to the source, to love. I was able to tap into my past lives and future (that looked promising and joyful). I was fully connected with the source, as my portals were open and I became one with the medicine. It felt dark at one point, where I was convinced that other spirits entered the portals and I had an uncontrollable, out of body experience with the icaros. I eventually grounded myself and found my way to the fire pit and ended the ceremony with immense love and gratitude with my retreat friends. The spiritual journey can be lonely at times and for the first time in a long time, I felt connected with kindred spirits and didn’t feel alone.

Ayahuasca Integration

LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat journal.

LaWayra's focus on integration was the best I've ever experienced in a plant medicine retreat.  As a future therapist, I appreciated the facilitation of extensive word circles, where we collectively shared our Ayahuasca experiences after each ceremony. I also appreciated LaWayra's customized integration journal that I still refer back to. It is so important to apply what we learned in our Ayahuasca ceremonies to actionable steps to our day to day life. Plant medicine ceremonies are not just a one time experience, it is a life long journey.

La Wayra Spiritual Cleanse

Closing off retreat with La Wayra spiritual cleanse.

LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat was named after a plant from the Amazon called “la wayra”. In the kitchwa language, la wayra means wind and air. Taitas use bundles of la wayra for spiritual cleanses and to move energies around during ceremonies. At the end of the retreat, Taita Fernando led a ceremony to spiritually cleanse us with la wayra. It was a powerful way to close off the retreat and to prepare us for post-Ayahuasca integration.

Useful Tips for Your
Ayahuasca Retreat

Shots by my LaWayra friend, Jim.

  • Respect the Ayahuasca Dieta - and in return, it will respect you. Remember that the Ayahuasca journey is a sacred ritual that starts before the ceremony begins.

  • Journal Pre and Post Ceremony - Ayahuasca journeys can sometimes feel like a lucid dream. Take time to journal what you feel and what you remember from your ceremonies to reflect, make sense of your trips, and take actionable steps.

  • Simplify Intentions - your intention doesn't need to be an elaborate mission statement, it can simply be a word or phrase that resonates with you.

  • Don't Compare Your Trips to Others - everyone’s trip is different and each of your trips are going to be different as well. The medicine is client centered and gives each person what they need. Trust.

  • Bond with Your Retreat Group - group dynamic is so important during ceremonies. The more you open up, the more you’ll connect with your retreat group and the more healing the retreat will be.

  • Integrate in Nature - be mindful where you go after the retreat, as you’ll be more sensitive to energies (i.e. cities will feel overwhelming). Spend time in nature to continue connecting to your true nature.

  • Trust the Process - surrender, let the medicine unfold and guide you.

What to Pack for the Lawayra Ayahuasca Retreat?

  • Warm clothing for ceremonies (i.e. loose pants, long sleeves shirt, sweater).

  • Bathing suit for pool and cold plunge.

  • Comfortable, loose clothes for lounging.

  • Active wear for yoga, hiking, or workouts.

  • Toiletries.

  • Refillable water bottle.

  • FYI: there is a small retreat shop where you can buy toiletries, clothes, or snacks in case you need anything.

Where to stay in Colombia before & after
Lawayra Ayahuasca Retreat?


To avoid delays, I recommend spending a few days before the retreat in Medellín. Medellín is a vibrant and progressive city with so much to offer. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to enjoy Medellín as much I wanted and the city is not very pre-Ayahuasca dieta friendly. But I was able to spend some time exploring Medellín and learning about its history. If you have time, check out the Medellín Free Walking Tour for an in depth history lesson.


Rooftop view at Masaya Medellin.

I loved my stay in the trendy El Poblado neighborhood. The neighborhood is lush and filled with hip cafes, restaurants, shops, and swanky rooftops — very traveler/ digital nomad friendly and I always felt safe. For some Ayahuasca dieta friendly meals, I loved Ama for vegan breakfast and Helecho for vegan sushi.

There are so many boutique hotels and hostels to choose from in El Poblado. I stayed at Masaya Medellin — the female dorm is comfortable and affordable + the hostel has great amenities and a stunning rooftop view. Masaya is only a 10 minute uber ride to the LaWayra bus pick up spot. For those who you prefer a neighborhood that’s more local and less gentrified, I also heard great things about Laureles.


I 100% recommend integrating in Colombian nature post retreat. Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world and country is filled with beautiful landscapes. It is the ideal setting to connect with your true nature.

  • Parque Tayrona

    Hiking solo in Tayrona National Park and camping overnight in the watchtower hammocks was a journey itself. The park gets crowded, but by camping overnight you’ll be able to experience the serenity of the Tayrona beaches. Cabo San Juan is beautiful, but there are other beaches that are not as crowded such as Playa Nudista — I felt spiritually connected to this beach and incredibly free.

Cabo San Juan in Tayrona National Park.

  • Palomino

    A sleepy, hippy surf town on the Colombian coast. Did a bunch of nothing in Palomino, which is exactly what I needed after the Ayahuasca retreat. Palomino is filled with yummy plant based eats and there are plenty of yoga classes around town. You’ll also find shops selling magic mushrooms, hemp, and bohemian handicrafts. I loved my stay at Casa Del Pavo Real, one of the prettiest hostels I’ve ever stayed at. Holls was my favorite vegetarian restaurant and loved just hanging out there and reading.

Sunsets in Palomino.

  • Minca

    A tiny mountain village nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. Minca is the perfect place to get respite from Colombia’s bustling cities and humid beach towns. Vibrations are always higher in the mountains and after a Ayahuasca retreat, you’ll feel even closer to the heavens here. The highlight of my time in Minca was my natural spa experience at Kamaji Sauna Spa. The spa is a lovely hike in the middle of the forest with a private river. I had an amazing shamanic massage by Bianca then spent hours in the sauna and river frolicking naked in the forest by myself. It was a magical and healing experience forest bathing in Minca. As for tasty vegetarian eats, I loved Duni Cafe.

Forest bathing in Minca.

Are you having a calling from Mama Ayahuasca? If you're seeking an affordable, safe, and authentic Ayahuasca experience in nature — look no further. I highly recommend LaWayra Ayahuasca Retreat in Colombia!

For more insight, check out the video below. And if you’re ready to experience this life changing journey, enjoy $50 off your LaWayra Ayahuasca retreat with this link.